Boiler Replacement in Andover, MA

Economical Boiler Replacement

Four Independent Zones


An Andover family knew their 25 year old boiler would soon need replacement. They were taking their time so they could carefully weigh their options as far as heating system efficiency as well as costs were concerned.

Please watch the video for some insight into boiler installation, heating zones, and endless hot water.

The family decided on an 81% efficient Burnham boiler with natural draft into the chimney. It’s not a super high-efficiency boiler but it’s economical for this family. They’re choosing a lower up-front cost with anticipated fuel savings simply because the new Burnham is a big improvement over the old boiler. Plus the four zone system now has individual pumps on each zone. That’s how we always do it. The pumps make the system more responsive which in turn makes the system more efficient.

Every household has their own unique situation. We feel this family made the choice that’s best for them. They’ll have greater control over the heat going to different parts of the house. Their comfort level will be significantly improved. They’re getting a Burnham boiler (highly recommended) which comes with a 25 year warranty on the heat exchanger. And they’re  getting a boiler with four independent heating zones, each with its own pump.

Priority Hot Water

In addition the hot water situation in this Andover home is greatly improved. We’ve installed a 64 gallon indirect fired domestic hot water heater by Superstore. It has a stainless steel tank, comes with a lifetime warranty, and they’ll never have to worry about hot water again. Also the hot water is prioritized which means if there’s a demand for heat while someone is taking a shower the heating circulators will shut off during that short window.

We made the video about this installation because many Andover homeowners are in a similar situation. It may be time to make a decision on boiler replacement.  While Ken mentioned the choice between high-efficiency vs. a standard natural draft boiler he left out the most important part–sizing the system. It’s something we do every single time. Not everybody does.

A properly sized heating system will run more efficiently, require fewer repairs, and last longer than one that is either too big or too small.

At Absolute Precision Plumbing Heating & Cooling we take into account heating and cooling loads, building characteristics, and any plans a homeowner may have for renovations. We also consider the needs of family members.  We’re trained in the art and science of HVAC design so why not put those talents to good use instead of just replacing an HVAC system based on faulty information.

If your boiler, furnace, or HVAC system is acting up or is nearing the end of its useful life give us a call at 978-774-8835. We’ll examine your system and provide you with options to ensure your family remains comfortable for years to come.

Video Transcript:

Part 1:

Good morning, I’m Ken Roberts with Absolute Plumbing Heating & Cooling Inc. And today we’re in Andover, and today we’re going to be replacing this natural gas, natural vent boiler, and it’s about 25 years old so the people are just kind of taking their time to replace it.

Part 2:
Hi, I’m Ken Roberts with Absolute Plumbing Heating & Cooling Inc. and we’re back here in Andover finishing up the job. So I just want to take you through and show you what we did. So here we’ve got the Burnham 81%–80½% efficient natural draft into the chimney gas boiler, like we said earlier. This is what the client chose. They decided not to go with a high-efficiency platform, this is what they wanted, and this is what they got. It’s a great boiler; it’s just not as efficient as it could be. But in any event, regardless of the efficiency what we’ve got here is, like I said earlier we’ve got pump, pump, pump, pump so now they’ve got 4 pumps on 4 zones. So they’ve got much greater heating capability now than they had earlier where they just had 4 zones. That was with 1 pump. So, each zone now is independent, much more efficient, much more economical, much more reliable. This is how we always do it, we almost never use the old method. We’ve got the 64 gallon domestic fired indirect water heater by Superstore, lifetime warranty, stainless steel tank. This is a fine product, they’ll never touch this again and they’ll have endless hot water. And it’s prioritized which means if there’s a call for heat and someone’s taking a shower and has a demand for hot water; the boiler is dedicated only to make hot water. The heating circulators will shut off, this will make hot water. And you won’t notice the heat being off for 10-15 minutes while it makes hot water. But you would notice it in the shower if you were out of hot water. So that’s basically what we’ve got here, they’ve got a good product, 25 year warranty on the heat exchanger with this product, it’s a Burnham product, it’s a great product. It’s primarily what we use whether it be the Alpine or the natural gas product. So if you were looking for a new efficient heating system give Absolute Precision a call. Thank you.


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