Winter Plumbing Tips

Winter is a beautiful and serene season experienced in many continents around the world. There is something magical about witnessing the seasons and the power that comes along with them. One inevitable feature that comes along with winter, in many countries, is extreme temperatures. These cold spells may last for a couple days or even a month, but once the temperature dips below -20 for a even a minute, your home is at serious risk if you haven’t taken proper precautions. One of the most susceptible areas in your home is the plumbing system. This includes drain pipes, sewage pipes and other vital lines that must work efficiently day in and day out. Many home building companies now take necessary precautions to make sure damage is limited in winter, but do not always count on that as a guarantee. If your home is old, or you simply haven’t checked the plumbing in a while, you should make an effort to do so before this year’s cold spell comes along. By checking a few important systems and putting in minimal effort, you can help prevent a disaster that is possible once the temperature creeps below freezing.

Listed below are a few tips that will ensure your plumbing and piping systems are running efficiently through the entirety of winter. Make some time to carry out these basic activities and a lot of stress will be avoided from a more serious problem occurring.

Cover Drafts

There may be leaky areas in your home that is letting in cold air throughout the winter months. This is an annoyance in any location in the home, as it is reducing the efficiency of your heating system, but can become a serious issue if the draft is near a pipe or piping system. Take the time to insulate these drafty areas to make sure that pipes aren’t prone to freezing. The most common areas to find pipes near a potential draft would be the basement or the garage.

Insulate Piping

This is very important if your home is older or temperatures are creeping colder than usual. Insulating pipes is a fairly simple task if no major issues are present and can be effectively carried out by applying insulation tape around hot and cold pipes. For extra coverage, you could opt for pipe padding sleeves, which are even easier to apply and take off. Both of these items can be found at local hardware stores.

Make sure water systems are operational

The last thing you need to deal with is a pipe freezing because stagnant water was left sitting over the winter. This is simply done by ensuring water is running through every valve and faucet regularly. This reduces the chances of frozen pipes since the pipes are being cleared.

Regular Check-ups

Piping systems should absolutely be checked before the onset of winter and regularly throughout the season. This doesn’t mean every week, but if a cold stretch is expected, take five minutes to check water flow systems. If you haven’t administered a check-up for a while, make sure pipes are drains are not worn out or damaged.

Deal with Clogged drains

This is a similar to making sure water systems are running effectively, but should be stated just incase. A clogged drain means water is sitting around, making it an easy target for freezing. Ensure all pipes are clear and clog free and enjoy smooth running water through all the cold months.

None of the above tips take much time to complete and they will help ensure that a major incident does not occur during the deep freeze this winter. For more information, call us today at Absolute Precision Plumbing & Heating.


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