Common Plumbing Questions

Plumbing emergencies generally arise at a time when waiting for a plumber just isn’t in the cards. A plumbing problem is never welcomed, due to the reliance on so many appliances, but the heart ache can be mitigated through knowledge and preparedness. Some problems will be severe enough to warrant a call to the local plumber, but many are fixable with your own two hands. If you have the necessary tools in your box and are wiling to take a chance, saddle up and try dealing with the problem yourself. This can prove to be less expensive in the long run and can lead to a problem being solved much faster. Remember, a plumber is only a phone call away, so don’t worry about screwing up a problem that is already messy. The first thing to do when a problem arises is to ask yourself, “What is causing this problem”? Here are a few common questions that should be probed to come to an answer that may be fixable with your shoddy skills.

Why are the walls or ceiling leaking?

A concealed water or drainage pipe in the wall may have a crack or a leak at the joint, resulting in the seeping of water. The water can then pool and cause dampness of the walls or a dripping from the ceiling. If the water flow is insignificant, this is a problem that you can tackle yourself. If water is flowing at a high rate through ceiling joints or behind a wall, immediately call a professional. The problem could also be coming from water seeping through the tiles fitted in the bathroom above, causing the water to pool instead of being drained out through the pipes. Applying white cement to prevent leaks through the tiles and other points in the wall can help to alleviate the problem and reduce chances of it happening again.

Why is the pressure of water in the pipes low?

The low water pressure may be due to a problem in the pressure reducing valves. A plumber should be called to assess whether the pressure-reducing valve is working as it should be. If it is not working properly, the valve can be repaired or replaced to ensure that the water pressure can return to normal. The other reason for the reduced water pressure could be the aerators, which are fitted at the back of most plumbing fixtures. Mud and other sediments can accumulate on these aerators over time, reducing the water flow due to clogging. The screen on the aerators can be removed and washed to clear the sediment, and this is a task that can be completed by even the most unsavvy technicians.

Why is the water bill so high?

Leaking water pipes are the main reason why a water bill will come out higher than usual. It is advisable to fix the leaking water pipe as soon as possible by calling a plumber. If the water leakage is not visible, the leakage may be taking place in an underground water pipe. This leakage will need to be evaluated by a plumber through specialized leak detection equipment. Once the leak is found, corrective action can be taken.


Why are the drains clogged?

Drains get clogged when dirty water drained contains residues that accumulate in the drainage system. This waste builds up and causes the water to have a difficult time passing through the drain. In some cases, food particles may accumulate in the kitchen sink while washing utensils. Hair, mud, or soap residues are the other main culprits that cause clogging. Installing a drain screen will trap the residues, so that they can be easily removed. This is another job that will cost you little money and time and can be done on your own.


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