Saving Money with Your Thermostat

Thermostats are probably the most essential component in our homes, especially during those winter months. It’s tempting to crank up the heat to make our homes comfortable, but that would result in an extremely high gas bill each month. In order to keep your home comfortable, while making your heating affordable, here are a few tips to keep in mind during the winter.

Turn your thermostat down

When you’re not at home, turn down your thermostat. Some modern thermostats are so sophisticated that you can even schedule a set time for the heat to be turned down. This works especially well if you’re out of the home at the same time every day. This can save a lot on your heating bill each month as you’re only using the heat when you need it.

Lower the temperature

Lowering the internal temperature of your home dramatically can save you on the electricity being used to operate your appliances like your refrigerator and freezer. When temperatures are turned down, appliances don’t have to work as hard, and your food will still keep. This goes for your thermostat as well. Instead of cranking up the heat, put on a sweater, or a Snuggie.

Take it slow

Did you know it’s possible to acclimate to cooler temperatures? You may be used to a certain temperature in your home, but it’s possible that you could get used to it being slightly colder. Turn down the thermostat by one degree each week until you find the right comfort level. Having your heat one-degree cooler for a period of eight hours can save you roughly 1% on your heating bill.

Turn thermostat down at night

Turn down your thermostat at night when you’re sleeping. You already have the comfort of warm blankets and bedclothes to maintain your comfort level. You can turn the heat back up in the morning when you’re ready for work, and can help you save at least 5% on your heating bill each month.

Don’t use all your extra spending money to keep your home comfortable. By exercising a little common sense, you’ll be warm and secure without the scare of a high energy bill at the end of the month.


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